Domain Spotlight:

A Few Nice Domains Dropping Today

Some pretty good .net names dropping today but very little in the way of dot coms. Godaddy dot coms are mostly junk so all in all, if you are only a dot com person, go back to bed.

For more names go to, who supplies me with the tools to find the names. I normally am not a big fan of throwing a letter in but this certainly works. Valuate has is at $2000 and is certainly worth the $110 it’s at now. (or at the time of post) You may be bidding against me but right now there’s nobody interested in this one. 10K searches and perfect name for someone selling cobbles, like me Not a bad 4L name for $100.Not the best one I’ve ever seen but you won’t lose money at this price. Easy site, easy money 10K searches and 9 bidders.  “Get the”

Domain Spotlight: