Domain Spotlight:

A Few Nice Domains Dropping Tomorrow: Free Money

It may not quite be free money but this has been a great month for drops.  There have been some high paying keywords with over 1000 searches going for $25.  Here are a few more dropping on Christmas Eve I used to look for this all this time and looks like 6,000 plus people per month (33K worldwide)  still are. No bidders I used to own one of these but the thing kept going off all the time when I was using it.  (drum then cymbal)  22K searches for either the percussion or the men.  Either way, only one bidder at $10 I’m not saying you’re going to make a fortune on this one but you certainly can flip this one if you get it for $25 Probably a trademark issue (a children’s book) buy at your own risk.  Valuate has it at $7K and no trademark issues but it only looks for fortune 500 tradmarks I have some money set aside for this one.   One of the better names to come across this week. Some searches and ads but the name is perfect for so many endusers If you speak Portuguese you’ll know this mean Dictionary.  A million searches a month.  Because it’s a foreign only two bidders You’re going to need a bigger hosting account if you’re going to document all these.  She gives those away like they’re AOL disks from the 90’s




I recently picked up for $10 using DomainStryker. It will pay for itself in days


Domain Spotlight: