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A Little Fun On a Saturday Night

I was a little bored Saturday night. I wanted to try out Tumblr and see how easy it was to create a site. An hour later I had created I had gotten an email last year with one of the pictures and I thought it would be funny to do a whole site on it. I used my $1.99 code at Godaddy, bought the domain and created the site. I don’t really expect it to do much as it was just for fun but it has gotten 150 visits today and made a little money. I put up a link on my facebook account and one on Sunday’s domains pick and the links have built from there. A radio station picked it up this morning and it’s building steam. It’ll be fun to see what happens the rest of the week. If you need a little help understanding…..Amish don’t use electricity.

Any Stumbleupons or links appreciated.

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