Domain Spotlight:

Advertisers Track Your Stats So the Traffic Numbers You Tell Them Better Be Real

I’ve been reading the fantastic stories about the growth of and have received a few emails asking me if I think the growth numbers are real. My answer is simple.  Patrick has done a great job building his brand and his site. His past actions and over the top branding were all learning curves to achieving where he is now.

Chef Patrick is a marketer and is more than capable of bringing in this kind of traffic and from past experience is also more than capable of rounding up a bit to meet his marketing needs. . If you don’t think all great marketers exaggerate, then you haven’t met a good one.   But these numbers are not marketers numbers but rather the hard work of a husband and wife team.  It’s the kind of story we all dream about.  A bad moment in your life and you’re forced to make a move.  He made that move.  Found investors and leveraged himself behind a dream.   Patrick and I talked earlier about working together and the reason I expressed interest in buying into the business was the easy bar to jump. That bar being the very low amount of visitors and how easy it would be to get to a half a million with that domain and that category.  Braden Pollock saw it too and Braden has a hell of a lot more money than I do and he knows traffic and leads better than anyone I’ve ever met.  But back to the original point.

Whether the numbers are exact or not won’t matter.  If sells an ad to a company the numbers will have to match, or come close to the numbers stated.  All big companies throw a tracker in their ads to find impressions and even collect data.  They don’t rely on word of mouth or reports from the origination source.  They want their own feedback and if they find out your numbers are exxagerated they’ll demand their money back or you get sued.  To make money, you need real advertisers and ScienceFiction is at the point where the real money is to be made.  Patrick knows it and Braden knows it.  That’s why they’re telling the world.  For those that don’t believe I say you’re wrong.  If I’m wrong then the advertisers will let us know.

*Edited because I was being a douche in the first copy

Domain Spotlight:

7 Replies to “Advertisers Track Your Stats So the Traffic Numbers You Tell Them Better Be Real”

    1. David,

      I do think that is true. I have a new layout coming. Not sure if it will be less crowded. I do need advertisers and they tend to want over the top ads. Everyone pretty much agrees with you though. They would rather have no ads but until I get a site wide sponsor for $25K a year, it won’t happen.

  1. If I know traffic and leads better than anyone you’ve met, then you need to meet more people. 🙂 Thanks for the kind words.

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