Domain Spotlight:

The Daily Recap of Shane’s Auction Picks, the 10th and 11th of May 2016

Auction Quick Recap

There’s some decent prices on non chips on this list, I don’t know if it’s a trend or just an anomaly. It does seem that LLLL’s chip and non chip have leveled off.

If I had to assign a standard bearer or maybe barometer is better, (or both) it would be the chip’s. They’re the category that we watched slowly rise last spring, through the summer and then peak in the fall. The  numerics followed their lead, so did all the weird things and everything else.

So I think if you were only going to pay attention to one category to get a good overall feel for the Chinese market it would be them. Keep in mind I’m saying overall feel, all kinds of things change, grow or are given a new perspective. Some things fade and die. The main ingredient that drives or crashes any kind of market is the confidence level. Confidence can wax and wain for so many reasons, some real, some fake and some perceived.

This barometer concept has been the reason that I’ve listed the daily LLLL chip sales average and names since I started writing. It started as a reminder for me to look up and trend the information everyday.

In any case there are lots of ways to make money with domains and lots of different categories to target. You don’t have to figure them all out. One thing that you do have to figure out is a profitable model.

I was thinking of Shane’s post and some of the concerns of full-time domainers regarding a general slowing of sales. I think too often we can get stuck on certain price points or valuations that keep us from moving forward. It may be better to be flexible and look at the big picture.

For example if I think domain A is worth $5K but I can’t get an offer above $3k do I sell it or wait? Say I paid $35oo for the name, most people will have trouble selling it because they will consider it a loss. But if you’re open to the big picture and develop good situational awareness you may find opportunity for the $3K that will profit way more that the extra $2K you’re waiting on. Be dynamic if you need to, be creative if you can. Even sticking to what you know and are comfortable with you can find better opportunity.

So the point here is don’t always consider a domain sold for less than you bought it for a loss, but rather potential and calculated opportunity. Certainly if you need to sell the name to eat or provide for your family do it. There are thousands of names that go by everyday that can be bought and sold for a profit. Don’t get hung up on one name, one sale, or a few lost bucks.

Yesterday’s Average 4L Chip Sales as listed on $1,712.40  One of the best things you can have. Even the word in the dot net is great and the bids show that others agree

4,750 USD A whole net a synergy would be awesome  20 years old. And has had good value for all 20 years

Listed as a BIN  Love this one.  Nice single word that give positive thoughts of more

1,275 USD  They Multiplies like rabbits  I feel like I’ve ordered this drink a few times.  Or maybe I smoked it.  No bidders

? Maybe and EMO band  I have a bid on this one but not enough that it will probably get it.  Short two word name that I think is a nice security name

555 USD This desk electrocutes any intruders  Solid name for an arbitration company or service.  No bidders at $12

250 USD Also known as Switzerland   5L.coms like this under $150 are worth adding to the portfolio IMO although by being on this list they don’t go for that much

230 USD  Sounds like a board game    I can see this on billboards, print,and tv for a ServiceMaster type company. One bidder at $10

206 USD Everyone has crap that needs cleaned up.  Every city has a cultural center.  Obvious I’ve never been to any of them

1,425 USD Now you don’t need to go there, you can visit online/  If you like X then you should really like this one

1,587 USD X’s are great, even illiterate people know what an X is.   Tech and trendy word = value

390 USD Snap has been trendy for a while now, it does have a good feel to it.  I know a few people that will be bidding on this one.  I think it goes for more than $400.  Nowhere near that now

185 USD Slipped through I guess. There’s just too many pot names.     This would get a $69 bid at Namejet so I think that’s the starting point here

?   Sounds like an app that sounds sexual but isn’t yet you’re still afraid to have it on the front page of your phone

? Or a reality show mixing hoarders and porn. Very dirty, physically, and dangerous. All the hoarded wares can create suffocating avalanches., 650 USD, 1,025 USD    711 USD

A few for you to play around with    One bidder at 12

120 USD  I like it at $20

126 USD Trailer park name, get your trailer on the main lot.   At $12.   Pretty much getting the same bids as a good

200 USD    Good just because its fun to say

7000 USD

2.TV   Fantastic name.  Premium renewal is my only holdback

No Winner   at $12.  Can’t be worth much less

Unsold  Since 1998. Sounds like a fun place.

1,225 USD It better be a fun place for that price.  Solid brand.  But already higher than the price I like to pick them up at

1,136 USD Or For By? I don’t know.   For $12 I like this better than just BigDesk

?  17 years old.  Good running store name.  And there is no way to shorten it so this is THE name if you want this to be your brand

271 USD This sounds like Aaron and Shane, running everyday like their being whipped.   Hard to believe most people only have one choice for power. I think that changes

130 USD There’s always choices, ask the Amish what they use. Oddly enough it depends on what they’re doing and who’s looking.   So many great uses for this one but undoubtedly the focus is going to be on people. Getting some good bids

580 USD I like it, common saying memorable.  Over $1000 at price time.

1,051 What am I missing here? Very aggressive wholesale price, unless it’s pinyin. I didn’t look    Sounds like a band or a deodorant

331 USD  Sounds like a western movie, as in Cowboys and Indians, shit, Cowboys and Native Americans that have darker complexions than native americans of european descent.   I like festivals.  Especially when all the girls are in tight pants and stretching

1,900 USD Here’s the thing with festivals. While a Yoga festival sounds good in theory, with all it’s Yoga attire, it will inevitably draw in a large crowd of Yoga enthusiasts that should not be wearing standard issue Yoga dress. I’ve done medical standbys at different kinds of festivals, any themed festival brings out the crazy charismatic fans that have limited exposure to the outside world in their everyday lives. These people need to be slowly acclimated to the outside world, not thrust into it at a festival.  Worst work email ever.  No bidders at $12

? Or best email to send a resignation letter from.   Obvious use.  Only one bidder at $12 thinks it is worth owning

206 USD Virtual food for virtual pets. Nice and easy, no cleanup.    X is the placeholder so its almost like you’re getting

588 USD    or is it

1199 USD   Some will expect the N instead of the M but you could do worse for $12

?  I have a green one.  I think silver is worth more

167 USD I’m not sure about that, with your green thumb you can grow and sell all kinds of things, feed your family if nothing else. If I had a silver thumb, I’d be like “hey look, I have a silver thumb” It would be cool for a couple days, then I’d say, “now what? What the hell am I gonna do with this silver thumb?”  Means nothing to me but easy to remember words.  That makes a good brand.  One bidder

256 USD Opens all the way, in fact that whole top comes off. Still don’t know what it is really, but is sure gives you great access to something.  I’m trying to figure out the difference between what is a weird pet and what is an animal that shouldn’t be a pet.  Probably the same thing.  No bidders at $12

dsadweirdpets? Or they’re just regular old pets that are really freakin weird. A cat that barks, a bird that like to meow, Or like my dog, a dog that like to eat his own poop just for fun.   I like it when strangers give me money.  Getting some good social bids

2,151 USD This is Bernie’s new campaign slogan.  Not even a real word but I still like that

885 USD It’s close to a word, I imagine lots of people forget to add the last L.     Nobody wants this at $12

?   $1500 more than the above

1,576 USD can mean house or building and probably a dozen other things.   I don’t want a gift means get me a gift and make it expensive but don’t take it out of the joint account

? Or it’s just a look, non look, tilt of the head, come on, I can’t read your rolling eyes.    Color + Noun= Money.   No bidders

? Could be anything, a store, lounge, baby stuff   Another good brand for $12.  A ton of good, cheap, brands

? Lion Spring mineral water, The “pride” of the plains.   At $66 at press time

172 USD   Not A daycare but THE daycare

631 USD Ohhhh shit, you go to THE daycare, I’m sorry I didn’t know you were so important.   An honest name…..and I like it

455 USD Otherwise know as “hiring a hitman”  Not sure why the price is so high

1,522 USD huh?  365 USD hmmm seem to be rising. Let’s keep an eye on these.  1,525 USD

One of these is $1000 higher than the other  Media Options has a nice one here

7,000 USD nice name.   I think all NN tlds are worth $100 or more.  My opinion only

110 USD I agree, this one took a bit of a loss, went for $400 a few months back.   Yeah.  I see first too

No Winner  Not getting the bids the seller wants.   Bitcoin name all the way

No Winner

  Recap Quick Overview

synergy.net4,750 USD05/09/16GoDaddy
multiplied.com1,275 USD05/09/16GoDaddy
safedesk.com555 USD05/09/16GoDaddy
neutralparty.com250 USD05/09/16GoDaddy
teggo.com230 USD05/09/16GoDaddy
cleanupexperts.com206 USD05/09/16GoDaddy
culturalcenter.com1,425 USD05/09/16GoDaddy
bxxs.com1,587 USD05/09/16GoDaddy
techsnap.com390 USD05/09/16GoDaddy
goodkush.com185 USD05/09/16GoDaddy
zpau.com650 USD05/09/16GoDaddy
mbxa.com1,025 USD05/09/16GoDaddy
cayv.com711 USD05/09/16GoDaddy
353596.com120 USD05/09/16GoDaddy
mainlot.com126 USD05/09/16GoDaddy
232338.com200 USD05/09/16GoDaddy
wet.net7000 USDFlippa
thewowfactory.com1,225 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
forby.com1,136 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
runningunlimited.com271 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
energydept.com130 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
unsunghero.com580 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
nimao.com1,051 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
luckyfive.com331 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
yogafest.com1,900 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
onlinepetfood.com206 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
xbon.com588 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
omxx.com1199 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
silverthumb.com167 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
openmax.com256 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
socialcash.com2,151 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
shareful.com885 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
fangzi.cc1,576 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
737636.com172 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
thedaycare.com631 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
erasethetruth.com455 USD05/10/14GoDaddy
bizbrag.com1,522 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
dvfd.com365 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
qpsw.com1,525 USD05/10/16GoDaddy
answer.org7,000 USD05/11/16Flippa
67.to110 USD05/11/16Flippa

Yesterday’s Reported 4L Chip sales $2,025.00 5/10/2016 GoDaddy $1,461.00 5/10/2016 NameJet $2,051.00 5/10/2016 NameJet $1,500.00 5/10/2016 NameJet $1,525.00 5/10/2016 GoDaddy
Domain Spotlight: