A look at the final prices of the auction list posted on June 17, 2016.
TeachTech.com 14 years old, 59 monthly visits, and getting some very nice bids
EvilSeed.com Sounds like a video game company
DebtFree.info Dot info works for this one IMO. No bidders $9 CPC
SooBig.com Most people won’t get this one but all Moms say this to their babies. soooo big
SloppyDisk.com Not much value but I think its a funny/memorable name
ABC3.com 18,000 backlinks. 700 plus monthly visits. And over four figures in bids
BamaStore.com Nice name to buy Alabama National Championship stuff
BSound.com Keywords with a letter in front of them are getting some good prices over the last few weeks
BuzzRun.com Not a bad name for $12
Bet89.com Not a bad name for $1028
SkyAviation.com Already a company with the name. Operates on the .us
BostonRehab.com Sounds like a show coming this fall on The CW
LifeBuds.com Marijuana buds
StoneImporters.com Great name for someone that does exactly that
MealHub.com I feel like I could get food there but it wouldn’t be that good
VerySick.com Not a very positive name. But cheap and memorable
TinyNails.com Upgrade name for quite a few companies
VeganMealIdeas.com Kale and Salmon…..done
PFWX.com A CHiP. Haven’t heard that term in a while
KJMP.com Another one. Two in a day..whoah
Cutui.com to hinder or prevent in Chinese. Thus the price
628.mobi The short numbers were the only dot mobi that I thought had any value
5111.info Good NNNN.info are at $100 ish
QuitAddiction.com Easier to buy the domain than to actually do it
Save Money With Daddy Bulk Domain Registration
A TON of great LLL.coms up for auction at SEDO. Most I’ve seen in a while
That is a lot – still about 3 days to go
GameTalk.com Strong game review and forum site name
Ended unsold at $2,000
Catalogue.io No reserve. At $6
At $16 with 9 days left
MXXX.com Getting no love. Under $200 at press time
Ended unsold at $2,200
NNI.com My favorite off the Sedo list. Under $25K is a good price IMO
At $20,000 with about 3 days left
Moroccan.com Things from the beautiful country in Africa
LuxuryTaxes.com You hope you have to pay them
XXXWeed.com Weed and porn. Can’t ask for more
BlackFriday.xyz Only one bidder
BWIP.com, DHEB.com, and WHIH.com Three nice Western acronym LLLL.com
Proofread.net 9 bidders think this would be a good name for a proofreader
Plumb.net Bids might be for the singer of the same name. Or for a plumber
SoldByFans.com Nice ticket resale site name. No bids
90DayPlan.com I don’t know what plan I’m doing but excited it will only take 90 days
Cordon.net Everyone loves the Belgian Drama series of the same name. 8 bidders
XOWC.com Any LLLL.com that ends in C is worth owning. X is a placeholder
PAJO.com All CVCV are flying right now 213 bids
KPY.net Used to be tons of LLL.nets. Now only one or two a week
CDGM.com Great letters. M for Management
OrganicEarth.com I can sell it in bags for $6 each
Theologies.com Religion is more at front and center of the news and people’s minds than in recent memory. 7 bidders
Debts.info As I said above. Debt and dot info work well together IMO
CloudHumanResources.com Everything can be done on the cloud now
TravelBassinet.com No its not a musical instrument. Google it or have a baby and you’ll understand