Domain Spotlight:


A look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the domain auction list posted on May 10, 2024.

GoDaddy Names at Auction

311restaurantpr.comEnded with bids$1,275.0028
324444.comEnded with bids$450.0053
42432.comEnded with bids$85.006
77007.comEnded with bids$830.00100
906666.comEnded with bids$1,075.00124
a14.comEnded with bids$1,525.0091
aeew.comEnded with bids$201.0024
AgileTrader.comEnded with bids$491.0023
AgriTrading.comEnded with bids$1,354.0089
amstgspropertymanagement.comEnded with bids$65.004
AntiAgingSerum.comEnded with bids$580.0043
ArcheryCalculator.comEnded with bids$1,525.0065
atarata.comEnded with bids$120.0010
Autistic.orgEnded with bids$6,400.00114
balivevitamins.comEnded with bids$762.0042
blct.comEnded with bids$1,236.0049
c99.comEnded with bids$17,751.00141
CalifDental.comEnded with bids$1,225.0026
CareerChoice360.comEnded with bids$292.0040
CareerThesaurus.comEnded with bids$610.0030
CashClaims.comEnded with bids$302.0011
cecure.comEnded with bids$997.0091
CellarWines.comEnded with bids$705.0030
ChineseHealthyAging.orgEnded with bids$235.0021
crmdaily.comEnded with bids$500.0034
davidbearmanmd.comEnded with bids$455.0043
debriefer.netEnded with bids$1,425.0073
DirectComfort.comEnded with bids$560.0094
DocTap.comEnded with bids$890.00121
EarlyMusic.orgEnded with bids$865.0050
edudirectory.comEnded with bids$484.0024
egnu.comEnded with bids$375.0038
EnvironmentalDesignLandscape.comEnded with bids$51.004
Expertise.netEnded with bids$4,055.0056
FlashGroup.comEnded with bids$2,123.0084
floridadmvbooklet.comEnded with bids$150.0015
GardenGlass.comEnded with bids$600.00108
GeckoTech.comEnded with bids$1,802.0065
GunReview.comEnded with bids$1,077.0037
ihmh.comEnded with bids$485.0070
isfe.comEnded with bids$809.0035
IsHade.comEnded with bids$959.00114
MagazineClub.comEnded with bids$530.0046
MamasPizzaAndGrill.netEnded with bids$1,550.0023
metsavastaa.netEnded with bids$355.0014
MiniParts.comEnded with bids$1,260.0075
MyFeedBarn.comEnded with bids$1,222.00124
myuv.comEnded with bids$3,350.00149
northernmountain.comEnded with bids$710.0020
ocmulgeeda.orgEnded with bids$1,525.0022
OkWeb.comEnded with bids$4,100.00138
OnlyGuns.comEnded with bids$1,027.0049
owin.comEnded with bids$35,050.00200
Parker1.coEnded with bids$126.0016
prettyhotandsexy.comEnded with bids$110.0015
PrimeSkillStaffing.comEnded with bids$140.0012
radskateparkavl.comEnded with bids$860.0043
rlph.comEnded with bids$898.0060
RoseGardEnstore.orgEnded with bids$930.0087
SceneArabia.comEnded with bids$1,325.0056
Service-Manual.netEnded with bids$870.00100
Show1.comEnded with bids$1,425.0020
singlec.comEnded with bids$415.0033
skylineschool.orgEnded with bids$65.0010
skytran.netEnded with bids$510.0049
SocialCash.comEnded with bids$2,550.0051
SponsorMob.comEnded with bids$392.0025
SportsTown-Online.comEnded with bids$370.0039
TechnologyHome.comEnded with bids$891.0064
temca.comEnded with bids$704.0053
ThaiOrchidBuffalo.comEnded with bids$1,825.0037
uhdb.comEnded with bids$402.0038
UltraGrill.comEnded with bids$285.0016
VeteranAppeals.comEnded with bids$110.007
weduii.xyzEnded with bids$5,556.0095
wzax.comEnded with bids$305.0011
xbang.comEnded with bids$810.0032
xy58.comEnded with bids$386.0061
YogaFest.comEnded with bids$1,700.0084
MetaCribs.comEnded with bids$25.001
Sonder.coEnded with bids$305.0019
CannaCreations.comEnded with bids$260.0023
KryptoCapital.comEnded with bids$274.0054
TopBet88.comEnded with bids$251.0045
CompostPlus.comEnded with bids$116.0017
PrivateRates.comEnded with bids$25.001
TheEscalator.comEnded with bids$80.008

Click Here if you are unable to see the table of GoDaddy results, because you are viewing via the RSS feed.

Dynadot Top name on the Dyna list. Over $2k at press time. Coming for all the backlinks

At $2,952 with a day left There’s a business model in helping teachers write lesson plans and creating a syllabus

At $205 with 2 days left Drop catch. Newest things dropping

$560 Nice little 5L for $500

At $870 with a day left College finder

At $1,313 and ending soon Don’t know dot sc at all. But the keyword is strong. At $10

At $10 with 2 days left Great call to action. Solid value here IMO

At $58 with 2 days left

Sedo $99 BIN $499 BIN $390 BIN

Catched Incredible keyword. Not sure what dot gl is “Good Luck”

At 41 EUR with 4 days left This is a business now. Dot management is meh but maybe have the dot com and this one

At $28 with 4 days left Great use of the .tips tld

At $28 with 8 days left

Domain Spotlight:

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