Domain Spotlight:

THE BIG AFTERMARKET LIST: Friday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on July 11th


My hours are a little different than most people. I’ve been doing a bit more business in the Chinese market and I’ve been doing a bit more running.  Turns out that my getting up at 4:15 to go run each day also has me up during the day in China.  I have a great story to share later about a Chinese transaction I had today but for the past two weeks I’ve been doing the negotiation each night and then answering back at 4 am. The buyer thought I either live in the same time zone or I am an insomniac.  He didn’t know that I was asleep for every minute in between our conversations.  He probably thought I am a workaholic and trying to get a domain sold when really I’m just a man trying to run a 3 hour marathon.  And I might be a workaholic. Here are today’s names  19 years old and all great letters  Same here.  Still legal at 18 years old.  Hardly any bidders  I’m thinking penetrating oil for getting bolt and parts loose.  And you? Female name.  Former True Blood character if you like Vampires.  She may have spelled it Tara, not the cool way  City in Uruguay and also a last name Tons of results for hotels in Clearwater, FL  The end goal.  Great brand and something that everyone dreams of.  Especially single men with a cat  Sounds like an online app or website. Short and memorable.  No bidders  Evidently there is a lot of money in spa supplies.  Look at all the bidders  Pretty obvious what this one would be used for.  Jump starting cars Still under $10K.  Good deal at these prices IMO

NEW Thursday!!!! Working Godaddy Domain Code of the day.. $.99 Registration and Transfer gofdca21  16 years old, A PR3, and gets over 100 visits a month  Only one bidder.  I don’t see any words that are hard to spell. Decent name for under $100 IMO 14 years old.  NO bidders. I would think this would be worth something in England or Australia.  Getting lots of action  ID for International Development  Good acronym letters  I’d rather go to Mingle Street than Christian Mingle.  Sound a lot more fun.  NO Bidders Call me crazy but this could be a brand.  Short, memorable, and could use a cow as a logo.  Everyone loves cows.  Not officially a CVCV but getting bids like it is  For $12 worth a gamble on possible brand…of course IMO No bidders  More good letters.  Under $100 at press time   Could be used for marketing by any large industry that gives quotes.  No bidders  Still a great name despite only North Americans call it soccer


Have a name at auction and need more exposure? Send me an email. We may be able to help. If you have an auction you want to promote, email us for details. *All names chosen by me, Shane, and the goal of this list is to have all links be paid through commission . (ie you click through and purchase a name you like) or an occasional paid listing. Everything I say is based on my own research or is opinion. Do your own due diligence. That means look it up yourself if you don’t think the stats or my opinion is correct.

Domain Spotlight: