Domain Spotlight:

Big Friday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks

Sedo is making up for some lost time.  Some great names today and yesterday. Good news for the blog, I picked up another sponsor and it’s none other than my good buddy Acro and his amazing design abilities. After you’re done looking, take a look at these names. I think that the org gives this name some authority.  I hear the plum organization is a very powerful organization.  I think plums are the coolest fruit. Even a rotten plum is still a prune. This is my first dot co on the list this year (I have a feeling a lot more to come in the future) .  I think $160 is a pretty good price for this domain. Three letter dot orgs do pretty well.  Sort of like 5th place in the Olympics.  There are others that perform better but still pretty good. Doesn’t get more descriptive than this.  I think this could go for a good price so I’m in. When you are trying to be generic in a cheer you yell “go team”.  Sports site in the waiting. For those that don’t speak Spanish I think this mean “fighting chicken” or something like that Hard to get a domain for $69 that everyone can say and spell.  It also describes a few people I know. Sorry Nate, you’ve got a big heart though. I don’t know who Bob is but the dude built 52,000 links to his domain and made it into a PR6. Nothing too great but just has that startup company sound to it.  You could do a lot worse for $12 $2800 valuate. 1200 searches and the net is available for you cheapos. Love it.  Double repeating and a letter.  Beautiful, just beautiful

DropDay is giving away a free trial version if you want to try and find some names as well.  Of course I have mad domain finding skills that take hours to acquire

Domain Spotlight:

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