Domain Spotlight:

Daily SitePicks: The Weekend’s Hot List of Websites Up For Auction Around the Net

The biggest problem on Flippa has always been fake stats. Fake screenshots of traffic and revenue has cost buyers thousands of dollars in the past and I’m so glad to see Flippa is solving this by adding another verification process. They already had verified Google Analytics but now they’ve worked with Google’s API to announce they’ve added verified Adsense numbers as well. This should add another level of confidence to potential buyers.

Here are a few sites at auction that end in the next couple days that in my opinion, present opportunity.  Not sure what the reserve on this one but the value is 99% in the domain here.  High paying keyword.  The site is pretty bad but again, you’re not buying this for the website.  I am very impressed with what the owner has done with this site.  Site is newer but already receiving 700,000 visit and a million plus pageviews per month.  It’s also generating $10,000 in Adsense.  It’s almost too good to be true but he’s passed both verification programs and adds a 60 money back guarantee.  Still doesn’t mean its all true but I like my odds better than I used to before verification. The site is a phone and tablet article site and seems to touch on the hot topics of the day.  Google News would love this site if the writing quality was high.  And yes I read the domain as PhoneStab   Yes, I am very interested in this one.  Nice looking home and garden site with original articles.  Income is modest at $39 a month but price reflects the metrics.  4400 uniques a month.  I think the $500 is pretty fair for this one   I know it’s a trademark problem with Pinterest but I love the concept.  Pinterest for men only.  I could spend a lot of time on this one.  3K uniques and 50,000 pageviews shows the incredible amount of pageviews a pinterest layout gets.








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2 Replies to “Daily SitePicks: The Weekend’s Hot List of Websites Up For Auction Around the Net”

  1. When you say is for men only, you mean it’s intended for men named ‘Titus’ only, right? 🙂

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