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Daily SitePicks: Thursday’s Hot List of Websites Up For Auction Around the Net



I’ve learned a lot over the last few weeks going over all the websites for sale.  The sites I’ve picked have also done very well with most of them selling for much more than I ever planned.  One of these days I’m going to reach out to the new buyers and see how it turned out.  Get a little feedback from some of the buyers regarding the traffic and income post purchase.  Until then, here are a few sites I thought offered opportunity  (sorry about the late notice here, ends very very soon) Actually a very cool site.  Well never be outdated as there will always be future weapons.  Completely unique content and steady income of $40 or more a month.  Custom site but probably could be taken over to wordpress.  Aged site as it was started as a hobby by the seller in 2009  You want to get into the popcorn machine, snow cone, and hot dog roller business?  The hard part has been done.  They signed on the manufacturers but it seems they can’t get ranked. Two and half years and they are still barely getting any traffic from the search engines.  If you are a good SEO person there’s money to be made here.  Everything’s drop shipped so you won’t literally be stuck eating your investment.   Great looking website.  Original idea and great niche.  It’s a website for people to post their baby photos.  That category has a ton of advertisers and the website is making $1300 a month.  I can see a book deal coming out of this one.  Price isn’t cheap but IMO it’s still a deal.    It’s a site that offers car safety reports aka recalls and other safety items.  Claims to have over 600K registered users which is possible considering the site is over 10 years old.  Site gets great traffic with almost 100,000 uniques and 325,000 pageviews per month.  Most importantly, it only makes $350 per month so you are buying the site based on opportunity wasted by the current owners.

Domain Spotlight:

One Reply to “Daily SitePicks: Thursday’s Hot List of Websites Up For Auction Around the Net”

  1. Nice Work
    I was looking at that Popcorn Plaza a couple weeks ago
    I like the drop shipping models

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