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Daily SitePicks: Wednesday’s Hot List of Websites Up For Auction Around the Net

Each day I take a look through Flippa and other sites that have websites for sale and try and drill down the names that I present an opportunity for long term income or a flip. There are a ton of websites for sale but I’ve tried to rule out the sites made in the last few weeks or no verification of stated numbers. Like any purchase that you make, make sure to do your own homework before buying. Here are a few that I thought had some value  Includes website but the domain is worth the present price. Could get a good deal if reserve is low   Site established in 1999 making it one of the oldest listed Flippa sites in a while.  No link work as it only has 1 Google link but still manages 1500 visits a month and $100 in profit.  On first page for “migraine aid”  Selling a hosting business that is profitable. Way over my head technologically but for those that can handle it, this seems to be a solid buy  I’m not saying buy this but incredible traffic from this former file sharing site.  35 million A MONTH.  But they want $900K for it so I think I’ll pass.  Still interesting to take a look at.  This site has 5000 plus articles and all of them seem to be indexed in Google.  The seller is killing himself in the comment section by not giving proof of income and adding his reasoning behind it.  Only gets 294 visits but most certainly could be improved. I think there is opportunity here and the site is nice looking and deep.  Take advantage of the seller keeping the price down.  The domain name itself is probably worth a few hundred.


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