Domain Spotlight:

Have A Domain or Business Blog? Tell Me About It

Over the last year I’ve received comments and emails from hundreds of people.  Many of them seem to write their own blog despite most of them aren’t on or  I would imagine they aren’t listed for a few reasons. They don’t post regularly enough for people to read daily, they don’t feel it’s of quality, they are new, or they don’t want to pay the fee of  Whatever the reason, I’m sure there are some well written, informative sites out there that are “off the radar”.  I’m sure I’m opening a big can of spam here but I’m willing to filter through it to find a few good sites.

They don’t have to be domaining only. I’m always looking for sites like TheNameInspector that don’t necessarily deal directly with domains but with finding company names.  I also enjoy blogs dealing with new startups as well.  Of course we all know Techcrunch but I’m sure there are some smaller blogs out there that deal with some of the new companies joining the Internet.  Let’s keep the recommendations to your own blog or a few of the smaller blogs you’ve found.  Please don’t say you’re favorite is TheDomains because it’s already on all of our lists. So bring ’em on.  I’ll take a look at all of them and put a list together.  And spammers?   Don’t waste your time.  I’ll cull you out like Tiger Woods at a night club.

UPDATE:  Don’t worry if I haven’t approved your comment.  I am gathering all the recommendations and will be putting them in a post.  This way I can weed out the spam from the legitimate sites and there are a lot of good ones.  Keep the recs coming.  I love seeing some of the new blogs and helpful sites.

Domain Spotlight:

3 Replies to “Have A Domain or Business Blog? Tell Me About It”

  1. I started last month. Been posting fairly regularly, but wanted to get more posts out before I officially kick it off 🙂

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