Domain Spotlight:

Below is another look at a few recent domain flips and flops, with data courtesy of NameBio.

Flips sold for 170,000 USD recently at the Marketplace, vs 100,000 USD on 2011-01-11 at Sedo. Big bucks here, although assuming a 15% commission, the 40% return over five years isn’t nearly as impressive on a percentage basis as many of the others below. Picked up by a Wenbo Liu, per Whois, and no site resolves. sold for 79,568 USD recently at Sedo, vs 1,050 USD on 2015-12-03 at DropCatch. Wowza…..a 64x return after commission in four months….what we all dream of. Kudos to the seller for holding out that long. The domain is showing as in transfer, and no site resolves. sold for 8,900 USD recently at NameJet, vs 3,000 USD on 2015-02-08 at DomainNameSales. sold for 2,872 USD recently at GoDaddy, vs 161 USD on 2009-08-31 at Sedo. sold for 2,025 USD recently at GoDaddy, vs 710 USD on 2014-04-07 at GoDaddy. sold for 1,400 USD recently at BuyDomains, vs 200 USD on 2015-12-12 at NameJet. Although it didn’t make anyone rich, it’s an excellent 7x return before commissions in just four months.

Flops sold for 15,000 USD recently at NameJet, vs 13,643 USD on 2016-02-03 at Sedo. A profit right? Don’t forget about those commissions. A $2,250 commission (15%) makes this a nearly $900 loss. sold for 2,150 USD recently at Sedo, vs 2,001 USD on 2011-01-10 at Sedo. sold for 1,450 USD recently at Sedo, vs 1,550 USD on 2016-03-12 at DropCatch. I’m not sure what the seller was doing here, with a hold of a month, and a loss of $300, or around 20%. sold for 22,322 USD recently at NameJet, vs 22,522 USD on 2015-12-10 at NameJet. A loss of $3,500 after commission in less than four months. sold for 160 USD recently at GoDaddy, vs 499 USD on 2009-04-06 at Afternic. I’d prefer a good doctor. Turns out the former owner had a doctor for your financial budget in mind, and a picture of the former site’s logo is below, but the site must never have gotten traction.

budget doctor

Note: I didn’t do an exhaustive search of the ownership history of each domain. There are likely cases where there were multiple owners between the sales prices I list.

You can find past Flips and Flops posts here.

Domain Spotlight: