I was looking through my Whois checks for the month to see which domains are getting the most checks and which aren’t getting any. Trunk. com, my recent purchase is getting almost 600 checks a month with DomainShane being second at less than half that. I was surprised by a few others in the top ten with baidu.com and venture.cc both being in the top 10. I also use the checks to help decide which names to drop. If I’m on the fence and it got no who checks I drop it. My portfolio is pretty good right now so there are only two or three names I drop a year. And those were mostly names I picked up for possible projects that I end up never doing not names I bought on drops or auction. You probably don’t have that problem. Thinking you are going to build something out and end up never doing it. Enjoy your Sunday. Here are today’s names.
TISL.com Opening bid is $100 and it’s worth that IMO. 18 years old
DontQuit.com I am going to buy this to go with my RefusetoQuit.com I just bought……..unless you outbid me
KCKW.com Nothing sexier than repeating Ks
LovingThe.com According to Godaddy this gets 18K monthly visits. I do love the dot com
Sizing.info I’ve seen worse dot infos go for more money
eBracelets.com A functioning bracelet and jewelry business with a group of sites that have a pretty good base
ON8.com Already at $1600…… but it will sell for more
TTMM.com Surprised this one has under 40 bidders. Very easy to remember and type.
UWannaJob.com If someone offering you a job says “wanna” …..Don’t take it, you’ll probably be breading bats to sell as chicken.
HempLiving.com Sell it to Woody Harrelson
VeganShopper.com Vegans are very emotional about their choices and will go to any site that supports their lifestyle. Trust me I know. I have neighbor around the block that has a second cousin in Virginia that’s a vegan
TheVegans.com Sounds like a documentary. I think there are only 14 bidders because the domain is actually not that flattering
SolarHarvest.com One of the better solar power names I’ve seen in a year
BoardShack.com Surfboards, snowboards, skateboards
SeatingChart.com Pretty obvious here. Put the seating chart of every stadium in the world. Could probably just hand sketch them all in a few days
OGLO.com Will do well. Short and pretty
IKAP.com This one is actually doing better than the above
DailyMiner.com Nothing more exciting than talking about bitcoin mining.
uPoker.com Poker names aren’t what they used to be but they still have great value. This is one of the better poker names in a while
TrainingSkates.com Not sure if there is enough business in this category to have it’s own web site. No bidders
DIDX.com Surprised how high this ones gotten before actually going to auction
Yoyos.net Videogames have knocked yoyo sales down a bit but still a market
For more great names make sure to check out CAX.com
Have a name at auction and need more exposure? Send me an email. We may be able to help. If you have an auction you want to promote, email us for details. *All names chosen by me, Shane, and the goal of this list is to have all links be paid through commission . (ie you click through and purchase a name you like) or an occasional paid listing. Everything I say is based on my own research or is opinion. Do your own due diligence. That means look it up yourself if you don’t think the stats or my opinion is correct
Congrats on picking up baidu.com Shane. Daily uniques must be what, 20 million+? 😉
Fizz….ha. I meant Raidu. I never knew why it got so much traffic but I think you just pointed it out. 🙂
Just heard your interview on Domain Masters…….Great!!