Domain Spotlight:

Finally Friday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around the Net

Did you know that McDonalds only reintroduces McRib when pork prices are at their lowest. Every introduction has been on a downward movement of pork.   Now you’ve learned something today so you don’t have to get anything out of these names.  Have a look I bet this name goes for over $3K.  One of the better names this week. aka your phone Isn’t it ironic that the people that will ask for help are always the ones that have screwed up so bad they don’t deserve it. Good letters and O works well for organization…….or orange. Being in a University town I know a lot of people looking for this.  They essentially never want to see real daylight and be in a classroom environment their entire life For $69 you’re getting some pretty good keywords The double a is the “it” double vowel right now Surprised to see 79 bids. I feel dirty just typing this one out

Domain Spotlight: