Domain Spotlight:

GoDaddy Code For $7.99 Renewal: Verified Working

Everyone wants to save a little money on their renewals.  There are always codes floating around but most of them are expired and don’t work.  I had 20 or so names expiring last night so I went through some codes and this was the one that gave me the best price of any of the working codes I found.  It’s for $7.99 renewal of dot com and dot net.  It may do more but those are the only type I used and verified it to work on.  Enjoy.

gd50bbpd5……….$7.99    ($8.17 including ICANN fee)



Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “GoDaddy Code For $7.99 Renewal: Verified Working”

  1. Thanks Shane 🙂 Worked Great!

    You’re right they are hard to find sometimes with all the expired ones out there.

    These help especially when you have a large number of domains to renew often.

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