Domain Spotlight:

Actress Hilary Swank made some headlines last week with the launch of her new clothing line, named Mission Statement.

She smartly acquired the domain far in advance of the launch, with NameBio listing an acquisition date in January 2016, and a price of $26,000 through Uniregistry.

The new site starts to address the name selection, saying in part:

“Mission Statement is intended to be taken literally: What’s your Mission Statement? The underlying purpose is creating the line was to pay homage to women who have extraordinary ideas, ambition, focus and a love for living a full, authentic life. We want to recognize and encourage women for their strength and ability to not only work towards their fullest potential but who also inspire others to do the same. I have always had the perspective that women need to look within for the answers that guide them to live their truest most authentic selves, to identify their personal “Mission Statement” and dress for how they want to feel.”

I never would have guessed this domain would be the home of a clothing line, which is part of what makes the domaining industry so interesting.

Domain Spotlight: