Domain Spotlight:

How To Get $3 Million Dollars Worth of Free Advertising To Your Site

Godaddy has been doing it for years.  Submitting commercials to the producers of the Superbowl they know will get rejected.  It creates buzz and attention and of course, everyone want to see WHY it got banned. (be a little careful going to the site, the popups are NSFW)  is the latest to use the publicity of having a commercial rejected but they did something smart.  They aren’t going to actually purchase an ad.  Godaddy, on the other hand, always ends up spending the $3 million by putting a tamer version of the commercial.

ManCrunch most likely had no intention of buying an ad but wanted to generate buzz for their site…..and they did.  TV news and shows have been covering the banned commercial like crazy and ManCrunch essentially got their $3 million dollars worth for free.  Check out the commercial, it is quite funny and it would certainly fit on many of today’s tv shows at night without any problem.

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