Domain Spotlight:

Monday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks

The Dot Cos are dropping.  The dot cos are dropping.  You will find more dot co domains on my list in the next few weeks than any time in history.  I think the risk reward may be pretty good on a few of these drops so over the next few days you’ll see a few that I think are worth the investment. (the dot co names on today’s list aren’t actually dropping, only put up for auction, the majority of the drops are up at Godaddy tomorrow) Not the best mortgage name I’ve seen but I’m sure there are plenty of people that like the 3000 searches and $5 cpc. Three letter dot nets used to be everywhere a few months ago.  Not nearly as many available right now.  They still don’t excite me very much but then again no dot nets get me very giddy. You can work with 110,000 searches Offered for sale over at Even at $872 I think this is a good buy For $69 it’s one of the better 3 letter do co Buy one bottle of Grey Goose for $500, get one half off. A little Applish but a pretty good name for under $200

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