Domain Spotlight:

Monday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks

Congrats to dot co for selling a million dot co domains.  There are reasons for their success and things like this are the reason.  One of the best way to sell is to give people ideas of what they can do with the product.  Dot co is not made for flippers, it’s success will be with end users.  I recommend companies use the tld but I’m not giving any advice to flippers.  Now onto a few more names that could be good investments. NameJet brought this one back for today and it’s obviously a nice name for a wine site. I’ve always found it pretty easy.  I put one arm under her legs and one behind her shoulders and and lift with my back. Or my old way “Does this smell like chloroform ” ? This could help you……….well….find events. Three letter dot nets have good resale value A fantastic name ready to be developed.  A world of content ready to be put up.  Could have a lot of fun with this one.  1999 registration Of course no bidder because it will take developments Nice name.  We jokingly used to call these “Chinese running pants” as the Chinese are less inclined to wear special clothes to work out and we’d see them running in jeans all the time in the park.  Ask Nike I get nervous with all the great dot nets coming up for sale.  I’m a buyer but I save the big money for the dot coms Not sure if anyone has these or knows how to spell it but certainly a product domain.  Chandelier organizations will probably be beating down your door for it. Starts with a 4 but still a good name. Only at $500 Right now HD and 3D is hot but I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that infrared is the future of movies two character dot net only at $1100.  Somebody is probably going to get a good deal

Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “Monday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks”

  1. Its that is for sale. I actually own =)

    Gave me a bit of a shock when I read your post.

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