Domain Spotlight:

Monday’s Daily Dropping Domains

I was like a lot of people this weekend, putting my names in for dot co.  I’m not sure I’m completely sold on the extension but I do know a few things. The people behind the company are first rate.  They are marketing geniuses and that’s half the domain game.  Secondly, plenty of people are registering and that’s a positive sign.  Every solid name I found was taken but just because they are taken at Godaddy doesn’t mean you can’t give it a try at the other registrars.  Now onto the dropping names Dictionary name with plenty of uses A very fine Geo Lots of advertising for these keywords Huge CPC Morgan Linton will have his eye on this one Plenty of places in California, Arizona, and New Mexico with this name.  1996 register It’s a 5L and like I keep saying they are gaining in popularity every month.  1996 domain so it was registered when you could have a lot better names then this.

Domain Spotlight: