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Daily SitePicks: Monday’s Hot List of Websites Up For Auction Around the Net

Each day I take a look through Flippa and other sites that have websites for sale and try and drill down the names that I present an opportunity for long term income or a flip. There are a ton of websites for sale but I’ve tried to rule out the sites made in the last few weeks or no verification of stated numbers. Like any purchase that you make, make sure to do your own homework before buying.  Here are a few that I thought had some value 41,000 uniques a month and some age. All the stats are verified which makes the decision making process a whole lot easier. The seller has done a quarter of a million dollars on Flippa so the guy knows his sites. Marilyn Monroe is a subject that is certainly not a fad and will be searched forever. Good site.  The kind of site that you can keep updating but don’t have to do it every day.  Pretty basic site but it seems to be getting solid traffic.  Is earning $400 a month and used to earn a lot more.  All the stats verified here as well. I don’t know anything about chess but I think I could actually improve this as well.   A page rank 3 that is in the very popular pizza coupon niche.  Decent traffic and averages to this point $408 a month in profit.  Site is ugly as hell but depending on reserve, the site would be worth revamping and making into a more modern look to it.  43,000 uniques a month and most of them come for the photos.  Traffic and adsense verified and site looks nice.  Buyer purchased the site on flippa and revamped it and is flipping it.  He has made some pretty good improvements and at $3K looks like you could make your money back in a year or less.  Might be my favorite of today’s list. Ranks for some great terms on Google   A new site but very nice looking.  Amazon store based site and depending on reserve could actually be developed into a real moneymaker.  I think it would do even better if it included iPhone info as well.  This one is here based on pure potential.  Domain not too bad either.

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