Domain Spotlight:

Monday’s List of Good Names About To Drop ($27.65 CPC)

NCAA Tournament won’t be as exciting for me this year as my Illinois team screwed things up late in the year and didn’t get in.  Maybe I’ll get a good name today and it will make me feel better.  Here are a few names dropping at Goddady or Namejet today. 22,000 searches and a approx. $2K valuation Big big CPC of $27.65   and over 1000 searches. It could be a typo of bank or a brand.  Either way 36 people agree with me that it’s worth putting in an order to see how it goes 33K estibot and $12,000 searches.  Nice name for now and the future. Don’t have to worry about people misunderstanding this name.  Nice and simple A disease that’s searched for 27,000 this month.  Nice CPC as well

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