Domain Spotlight:

Saturday’s Big List of Domains at Auction or Dropping Around The Internet 5-19-12

I’ll write a better article later but I would never put my money into Facebook.  I think the stock will end up under the IPO price and can find 10 stocks that will perform better over the next year, two years, and 5 years.  You don’t buy stocks to be cool.  You buy stocks for growth.  You don’t grow your money by investing in a company that is trading at 100 times future earning with no mobile strategy.  I could be wrong but I haven’t been many times over the the long haul with my stocks.  Now on to why you came.  Today’s domain name picks. 1995 domain with 4 good letters. Add that all up and you get close to $1000. 14 year old domain and cheap. Wrong or right, eventually people are going to pick the genes in their baby As expected, going to go for a pretty good amount. Not too bad at this point but it’s early. 14 years old

LipstickCameras.comA product that people sell. Hardly any bidders. I would buy it but I really don’t feel like selling lipstick cameras right now

iWatcher.comPeople still love these Applish names

ExtendtheDot.comNot much value to the average person but you guys are special. Great name for people involved in the new tlds.  I sure do need it.  The name, not the break.  I’m fine 1998 domain that is memorable and cute.  Yes I said cute  The ultimate plant domain.  Aka marijuana.  I will own this…sorry  Great name for a dot org.  My wife should own this name   Chinese domain will do well but I see “Hey You!” when I see it  I can guarantee it will be a bunch of old people on this tv station and it goes off the air at 9 pm

Domain Spotlight:

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