Time to kick off another week. I am writing this a few days ahead and when this comes out I am going to be sleep. Very asleep after finishing (or quitting) and Ironman. I’ll fill you all in on how it went if I am still alive tomorrow. Here are today’s names.
InDebt.com Clean, simple, and memorable. Add 15 years old and high paying keywords and I think you have a keeper here. Hopefully you won’t go in debt buying it
DramaQueen.com If you have a girl in your household then you’ll have used this term. Should do very well
XHI.com Whoever is liquidating their LLL.coms seem to be doing two a day. X is a tough letter but they still seem to be doing OK
NP.cc These LL.cc continue to sell here on Namejet for $500 to $1500
BackHand.com Perfect racquet sport domain. Could be use for an abuse site as well but may not be as PC
EdibleSoybeans.com Nobody know the name is edamame. They usually call it this. More and more popular every year. I eat them regularly. No bidders
Smiddy.com Nickname for Smith or just a nice sounding brand
Huha.net I don’t usually buy CVCV.nets but when I do, I like them to be words that’s some people use to refer to lady parts aka hooha
DoLocal.com Think global, start local A lot of bidders
6816.com No 4 means it will cross $1500
NH8.com Liquid domain
Hoosa.com I called a 6L.com a 5L this weekend. I’m pretty sure this time that this is a nice 5L.com
Candles.info Great keyword, OK tld
BakingPans.com This auction is cooking. Already at $200. Sorry
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