Domain Spotlight:

SHANE’S BIG LIST: Monday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on the 17th

Today starts summer for me.  I picked the day a long time ago to start getting things done.  Its the time when I start taking a day off work and start upping my running to prepare for the fall marathon season and get back to domaining.   To kick things off I would like to offer the top spot and second spot on the right for $200 a month.  I’ll be writing more so at that price someone is going to get a good deal.  Here is today’s list

“You can make more friends in two months by becoming really interested in other people, than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”
— Bernard Meltzer Very surprised if it stays under $1K Already over $3000. Trying to figure out the reason it’s so high. It is a stock symbol. Hell, just get in line and bid. Wonder if it will beat SH8 in price Lots of vowels. Except for that D thing No bidders. I’m not even sure where to head with this one The first listing for boat license is Boat-ed. This name is much better than that Not the regular way of spelling Celine but for under $100 it’s an easy flip to a Celene down the road I feel like I just saw this one. That’s all my wife does. She never post anything I actually know someone with this last name. But I’m not buying it for him

Start your website with a $4.29 .COM & FREE Private Registration!  16 years old.  If you’re going to listen, it might as well be perfect   What the cool kids say for comfortable  Aka DomainGang   Think evite

$1 / mo Economy hosting for 12 months from Go Daddy

Have an auction ending that isn’t getting any attention? Contact me to see how I can help

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