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SHANE’S BIG LIST: Saturday’s Domains at Auction or Dropping on the 15th

I was watching last night’s Shark Tank (one of my favorite shows) and Mark Cuban said no to a deal because a guy did Ironmans.  He said anyone that did them wasn’t putting everything they had into a business.  The time he put into training could have been put into the business. Cuban thought it showed he wouldn’t be willing to put everything he had into the business.   It got me to thinking.  It got me to thinking that Mark Cuban is a douche (and that’s he’s probably right)  Now on to today’s names.  You think I’m going to bid on this one?  You guessed right I love the name. So many uses. Resell power, energy supplement, or …comic book character I’ve been and the mooses are a bunch of drunks. As fun as it sounds. 14 years old and No Bidders 9 year old domain. I think it would be a great brand. “All aboard the wealthship” “Set sail on the wealthship” No bidders….of course Another brand that people would certainly remember …..and kinda funny   You could buy it and donate it to The Center For Cerebral Palsy. Or you could just try and flip it  No bidders on this brand. 15 years old  A dot net but a super strong word in today’s sharing world  People will look to this more than my credit “secret”.  Don’t borrow more than you can pay back.  Today’s less the great letter  And one more  I thought this one would slip through.  No such luck   A nice site dealing with those that have lost a limb or you could just try and flip it

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