Domain Spotlight:

Sunday’s Little List of Domains At Auction and Dropping Around the Net

After Santa Monica last week, the cold here in Illinois is brutal.  Went out for a little 15 mile run yesterday and it was 12 degrees with a -10 wind chill.  After about 10 minutes I wasn’t cold at all but keeping a good pace is a little difficult when you have all that winter running gear on and heat pack shoved down your crotch.  This morning is a little easier with a 2 hour INDOOR bike ride.  Here is today’s little list. If you can hold out I think this aged domain will sell.  It’s just a matter if you can stay soluble longer than the time it takes a buyer to find you.  I’m thinking sports scores not domestic abuse  I think this one gets snapped up quickly  I say it goes for $400   I think of coding when I see it.  The dot org is developed by a company that calls their software this name  Nice Brand name. It wasn’t but it is now  Motorcycle typo?  I know, it’s a stretch  Another great brand


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2 Replies to “Sunday’s Little List of Domains At Auction and Dropping Around the Net”

  1. “…keeping a good pace is a little difficult when you have all that winter running gear on and heat pack shoved down your crotch.”

    Yea, especially with a heat pack large enough
    for a Kong Dong. 🙂

    “ Motorcycle typo? I know, it’s a stretch”

    Shane, a Notor Cycle is a type of motorcycle
    but without an engine.

    Another common name for it is bicycle.:)

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