Domain Spotlight:

The Best Domain Drops So Far in 2010

Congratulations, if you’re reading this you’ve made it to 2010.  Here are the best names to drop all year…….so far.  I sure hope they get better. An acronym for a ton of things.  Already at $350 but still a very nice name. “Mine” in spanish or a million other products with the same name. Lots of products called this so it may have some trademark issues but it also means it may have some resale value.  Since it doesn’t even have a bid I think it would be a good gamble Nice dictionary word with 40K searches.  Valuate at $7400 Just a good name, no real value from search but 7 other bidders like it as well. Only half the best tag team in History.  Jimmy Superfly Snuka and Ricky Steamboat were my heroes in the day.  Yeah, I still have there autographs

I recently picked up for $10 using DomainStryker. It will pay for itself in days



Domain Spotlight: