Domain Spotlight:

The Weekend’s Big List of Domains At Auction and Dropping On the World Wide Web

I’m going to admit it. I left off three names for the first time in two years.  They are probably names that you wouldn’t want but they are very special to me. One is a name I put a decent bid on 3 years ago and it’s dropping.  Also we sold the domain of the day yesterday again so look at the bottom again for today’s.  Now onto the names.  Perfect name for dot org.  Not a hipster clothing store  Don’t think it’s that great?  Doesn’t matter.  Already over $700  12 year old domain. Simple word with few bidders.   It’s also the name of my new show about man caves.  How a Boston guy says “Asked Her” and a nice  Everyone has it  Nice geo and 16 year old domain.  Especially nice if you live in Monroe.  And because you’re not going to get  A beautiful Spanish word and 18 year old domain  It flagged for me because of the 61,000 searches.  That and it has no bidders Great do it yourself type name.  I thought I was going to steal this one but two bidders.  If alternative energy is big then there is certainly a future for alternative vehicles as well.  Used to be a Google search page with Mac only results.  Now it’s a bit trademarky but when the two companies combine it will be worth some money.  One of those names that I have no idea why it gets so many searches but once I found out I can see there is certainly a few end users that would really love to have this domain  For $69 a pretty solid name for immigration and driving insurance.  George Lucas may come a calling but pretty sure this gets some typein  One billion Indians know what this is.

Domain of the Day…… is Hawaii’s main newspaper  $75  contact me if interested

Domain Spotlight:

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