The monthly Great Domains Auction at Sedo ends today and it’s one of the better lists in a while. I’ve put a couple in today’s list but you’ll want to make sure to check it out today. It ends early so look first thing in the morning. Here are today’s names. I’m not going to get this chance. As a tree grower it’s my favorite name in the last five years. I just don’t have the cash. Please, please, somebody by me this for Christmas or sell it to me on the world’s longest payment plan. Did I say please? I don’t know if it will hit reserve but it’s a great name for a ton of uses. Betting is the first thing that comes to mind but certainly could use for an employment site. I love mountain sport. It’s the lack of air that I hate. My rule “Too high for trees, too high for mees” It’s one of those names that sells for $20K. Easy to say, easy to spell and has a security theme. No bidders Too bad you can’t put a question mark in a url Another fine name. I like models This was on DnForum last month. I think the seller is very happy with the results already I have been looking for something that would organize my receipts. Start with this name and help me.
Yeah. the Great Domains Auction is one of the better ones. At least 150 of the names have interest and quite a few have reserves met.
dang some sweet names today. ill have my wallet ready. digging the 3 and 4L
Anyone know the Upcoming
TOPICS (keywords – category)
of any-all Auctions
— from now through April 1, 2012
(at any of the various event coordinations venues)
~Patricia Kaehler – DomainBELL
“Too high for trees, too high for mees” doesn’t mix well with the Leadville 100 goal…..
Yeah, that could be a slight problem.