Domain Spotlight:

Thursday’s Very Special Domain Drop and Auction Picks

You are probably asking what is so special about today’s picks. It’s really not so much the picks but the fact I am going through the names while eating a 4″ pork chop that’s been marinated in Hendrickson’s sweet vinegar for 24 hours.  Cook it real slow over the grill and you’ll have the sweetest, most delicious, pork chop you’ve ever eaten.  I promise, it will be special. So even if you don’t find a domain here today you’re still better off than before you started reading.  Now onto the names Everyone loves to mess with things Everyone has to be different and some people spell Allen this way.  Also a last name .  1996 Birthday Big undertaking if you are going to develop this one UNLESS you already publish and antiques price guide and in that case you’d be golden with this one. Nice here Another nice one but the Chinese don’t like numerics that end in 4 so won’t go at high end I’m pretty sure Schwarzenegger’s wife made him get rid of his favorite domain.   He was the ultimate end user for this one. A few good uses for this one but I see a new Republican party in the future with this name Don’t let this one slip away.  Sorry, had to

Domain Spotlight:

7 Replies to “Thursday’s Very Special Domain Drop and Auction Picks”

  1. Today’s list reminded me of the “very special” drinking and driving episode of Saved By the Bell, not to be confused with the “very special” Jessie caffeine pill “I’m so excited!” episode, of which today’s list did not remind me…

  2. “EasyGrip is a trademark.”

    Yea trademarked by several different companies for several different uses.

    Frank Schilling owns the .NET and uses the heading,
    “The Leading Golf Grips Site on the Net”.

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