Domain Spotlight:

Tuesday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Pick

Let’s just get straight to the list.  I’ve got a few things to get to today so I won’t waste your time with my chit chat. Nothing great but most are pretty cheap Businesses do use dot biz.  I see it every day.  I’ve seen a lot worse buys for a measly $12. Nice with one bidder.  Not huge value but think you could easily get a few hundred with this.  I’m not buying it because of an incident I had in Mississippi.  “You sure got a purty mouth” keeps running in my head. 1998 Birthday Can’t believe this doesn’t have a bidder.  1998 Birthday with plenty of filled adsense ads I say Hillary jumps into the Presidential race and you make a few hundred bucks on this one. I know, another dot info but can’t think of a better use for a dot info than to give important info You’re probably thinking about weeds in your garden but guaranteed this one builds out as a pot site. How gets you a few hundred dollars extra on this 4L dot com No bidders and the dead weren’t real big into suing anyone.  Actually they encouraged anything that help them spread the word of their music.  But get it at your own risk, don’t listen to me. Pretty easy build out on this one.  I’m not the best person to do it though. My daughter and I go to Wal-mart and each buy a quarter goldfish, then we bet a nickel a day to see who can keep their fish alive the longest without changing the water.  Record is 40 days or so.

Domain Spotlight: