Domain Spotlight:

Tuesday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks

I love holidays not because of the fact I occasionally get the day off, it’s because others have the day off and many miss the auctions and drops.  You know all those guys that got on the DnCruise boat?  You don’t have to worry about any of them competing against you in any of the auctions.  I picked up more domains yesterday than in all of August because they went cheap.  I’m not saying that a few people gone make things go cheap, I’m just saying that every person that I’m not bidding against helps. 5 letter dot com and also the name of the guy that works at the front desk of our Chicago condo that may or may not be gay. Certainly some legal issues here but that’s your problem.  I’m not saying buy it, just that it’s available Sounds like a tasty beer or an energy drink.  2001 Birthday Love these type of names.  You tell someone this name and they’ll know exactly how to say and spell it Incredibles in Spanish.  Pixar may like this as well Ends early so if you’re interested you’ll have to get in before morning My first uk name but it doesn’t get much hotter than this name. There is a reason there is not reserve on the rest of these names Great name for the dot org tld Decent 4L dot com.  Shouldn’t go for too high a price is what I used to find these names. Try it out for yourself

Domain Spotlight:

3 Replies to “Tuesday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks”

  1. Looking at the sales stats at GoDaddy for expired domain auctions, it is crystal clear that buying drops heavily during a holiday weekend…

    Revenue dropped some $12K Plus in one day
    Volume dropped some 250 Plus domains each day

  2. Jamie,

    Agree and not just holidays but weekends and certain weekdays are great also.

    A sample of what I got this holiday weekend for regfee:

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