Domain Spotlight:

Tuesday’s Daily Dropping Domains And Auctions

HUGE NEWS!!!.  Ok not really, I made a new logo.  I’ve always had it in mind but decided to spend a little while and actually made it yesterday.  I also spent all day writing down things I want to add to my new site.  Yes I am going to redesign the site.  I am really cheap when it comes to my blog as the purpose of this is to write and make money not spend it.  I just needs to read well and the rest is fluff.  That being said, I want to add a domain resource section and add a little more functionality to it.  We’ll see what happens. Now onto the names. You may think of Greece when you see this but I think of hot drunk girls and telling them my fraternity is Tappa Assa Day. Man I miss college. Pronounceable 4 letter dot com.  Just be careful when you say it. I’m not even sure that kids still play with these since they’re not a video game but everything comes back eventually.  Hey books came back I see a site of every stadium’s seating chart and then what events are coming to the stadium.  My idea so if you do it I’m going to need a small cut. Tons of searches.  Great product domain Typo of a very popular site (NSFW so be careful when you type it in)  Also could be used for a great Coal Miner blog or a blog that will send you straight to jail.  Oh wait that’s minOr. A nice 5 letter dot com that seems to already be a few company names.  Also often confused with aveeno. I think hackers love alt tlds.  I’m not real versed in the cc tld.  It doesn’t stand for country club does it?

Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “Tuesday’s Daily Dropping Domains And Auctions”

  1. @Paul

    Those are YOUR resource links 🙂 This is about people coming to MY site. I also had something different in mind. Thanks though and I will make a rare exception and let you keep your link in the comments since you’ve done such a nice job.

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