Domain Spotlight:

Tuesday’s Daily Dropping Domains and Auctions

Are you seeing an increase in traffic to your domains for Christmas.  I didn’t get as many product domains up as I would have liked but I certainly have noticed a nice little uptick in revenue over the last few weeks.  As busy as I’ve been lately it’s nice to be making some money and not have any time to spend it.  Now onto the names What makes this super valuable is it’s a real PR6……and it certainly is going to be a lot more than free A bit trendy with the “e” in the front of the name but still good value and the 43 bidders all agree with me. Color + animal dot com always has resale value I’m still stuck in the past.  As a kid that grew up in North Carolina when Jordan was in college and then moved to Chicago and watched Jordan his whole career I see the word dunk and it makes me cry because I miss him so much. Somebody owes me money on this one.  I am giving you the next great CamRoulette name.   I take paypal for my cut of the flip A perfect web site designing name.  And in this case the dot net works perfectly. I’m not a big dot info fan but this domain is $5.  There are 2900 searches for this with a CPC of $23.  I can’t see how you can lose on this one.

And the worst domain of the day is………… I’m not sure if it’s a blind person shipping your stuff or random stuff shipped.  Either way you’re probably not going to get what you want

Domain Spotlight: