Domain Spotlight:

Tuesday’s Daily Picks of Domains At Auction or Dropping Around the Net

Domain season is upon us and we’re already seeing some big names come up for sale. Yesterday we had and  We will certainly have more to come over the next couple weeks. Here are the names for today.  They aren’t the greatest names in the world but most are going to go for next to nothing. Guaranteed credit card sites have very nice CPC.  No bidders What people used to have before the Internet and .xxx Not the best tld for this name but I’m a buyer if the price is right. 1995 Domain and decent sounding 5L given the word data in the name. I’m not sure that carbon credits and trading is going to ever really catch on but you can make a play on it with this domain. No bidders so it’s not going to be much risk Yo me gusto mucho.  Presta me setenta dolares por favor A whole site devoted to cosplay would do very well There are thousands of miles of these across the US.  I’m sure somebody that builds these would like to own the domain 1998 Birthday

Names found using dropday

Domain Spotlight:

5 Replies to “Tuesday’s Daily Picks of Domains At Auction or Dropping Around the Net”

  1. Since he can’t sell many plants and flowers during the winter, at least now he has some time to sell domains. 🙂

  2. Datak might have been a typo for Datek?? The Broker Dealer from the 90’s who was bought by Ameritrade.

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