Domain Spotlight:

Listed below are updates to the top 10 domain sales from a year ago, as ranked by DN Journal. Five of the ten sales were from last year’s ROTD/NameJet/NamesCon auction, but there isn’t a developed site yet on any of those sales.

1. sold for $169,000

The domain has a Chinese and English language for-sale lander.

2. sold for $150,000

The domain is parked, and owned by domainer Toni Stephenson, per Whois.

3. sold for $115,000

The domain was an upgrade from domains and “Signal Peak is a venture capital and growth equity firm with over $500 million of capital under management. We help passionate entrepreneurs build leading companies with enduring value.” The site has an Alexa rank near 3.9 million.


4. sold for $110,000

The domain is parked, and per Whois, owned by LATAMTEL LTD of Belize. Although parked, it has an Alexa rank of 1.6 million.

5. sold for $70,000

The domain still has the NameJet auction page live from a year ago, showing bidder “winindomain” as the buyer, and Whois shows it to be a Chinese owner.

6. sold for $65,500

7. sold for $60,900

A Chinese and English language lander is live on both domains, and they’re owned by Hu Weisheng of China, who I believe is bidder “first” on NameJet.

8. sold for $60,000

Domain is parked, and owned by a “Clickshot Media LLC”.

9. sold for $55,500

Per Google Translate of the Chinese language site, DJ music network is an influential original electronic dj dance music and nightclubs song site, to provide DJ dance music download, DJ music upload, to share the dancing DJ super-thrill“. The site is the traffic leader for the week, with its Alexa rank near 340,000.


10. sold for $52,500

Domain is parked an under privacy protection.

Domain Spotlight: