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Wake Up, Kick Ass, Repeat

wukarWUKAR, it’s my motto and it’s how I approach each and every day.  I first saw the statement on a friend, Art OConner’s blog.  I wrote to him out of the blue and told him I loved his motto and he made up a shirt and sent it to me. Since that day I’ve used the term WUKAR quite often because it sums up so nicely how I like to live life.  We all know that time passes by quickly.  In order to make the most of each day we have to put forth some effort.  Each day I try and accomplish something . Does it always happen? No, but I try and Kick Ass each day.

I start each day with exercise.  A 7-10 mile run or a 1 mile swim. During the heavy training period of spring and summer,  it’s both.  It would seem that 2 to 2 1/2 hours of exercise would kill my day,  but on the contrary.  I start at 5:15, I’m  done by 7 and at work by 7:45.  This time of year I’m done by 6:30 and get to spend an hour getting my daughter ready for school.  By the time I get to work I’m amped up and ready to get to work. My employees are usually still waking up as they, like most people, get up just early enough to make it to work on time. I, on the other hand, have a body and brain that’s been moving and thinking for over two hours and already at full stride.

In order to get up at 4:30 the concession is a 9:00 bed time.  I realized that I don’t really get anything done at night anyway but watch TV or surf the net so I might as well get some sleep.  Sleep is the most important thing you get in life. It recharges the brain and body and allows it to “kick ass” for 12 hours each day.  Take it away and you are a shell of yourself.  Take it away one day and you’ll be fine.  Take it away each night, and you will suffer.

I write this not to brag but to pass on the WUKAR way of life. Try and make the most of each day.  I might add that during the process you need to enjoy each day as well.  Life is too short to waste your day doing something you hate, doing tasks that others have laid out for you.  It’s fine to work for others but make sure to set aside time each day that benefits you.  Something that makes you a better person, financially, physically, mentally, or spiritually.  Not necessarily in that order. I’ll give you a free pass today but now that you’ve read this, I fully expect you to WUKAR tomorrow.

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