“This domain is not for sale”. That’s what it says when you go to steam.com. I’m sure Clifford Skolnick, the owner of Steam.com, is most likely trying to protect his asset, but EVERYTHING is for sale. I love people that play the “I’m not interested” game so I offered him $1000. I should be the owner soon. Now onto today’s names
USTP.com When it starts with US it automatically has a value over $500
Discover.info Dot info is seeing a bit of a resurgence here over the last month.
DataFilter.com At $440 and I think it will hit $1000
Printerco.com If I own printer.co I would absolutely be buying this one. But in reality you would want to own printer.com even more
NeedComputer.com Worth more than $69
Weave.me Verb dot me are always a decent investment. Even if it has to do with hair extensions
BlackScreen.com Not sure what the 6500 searches are looking for but has to have at least the $79 starting price in value
GoodLawyer.net Everyone is looking for one. Maybe not on dot net but I can think of a couple million worse dot nets.
BoosterPack.com A drop and a value buy under $100
FollowTo.com A twitter type name and although not going to make you rich, the price looks right.
Names found using Dropday.com and make sure to sign up for Justin’s sales list for more great daily names