Domain Spotlight:

Wednesday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks

I felt like I was picking nickels out of a pile of crap today.  There’s a little lull in the domain market right now.  I’m guessing it’s due to heavy vacationing in the US right before the kids have to go back to school.  In the meantime take a look at my slim findings while I go wash my hands. Dropping domain and very nice numeric Another dropper.  Insert big name joke here. App names will only continue to get more valuable and this is a very memorable one. Not sure how you’ll monetize this one but it IS a real world. Nice 5l dot com.  I would buy it but not the style of name I buy. Yes there are different styles within the 5 letter do com. Not the greatest name in the world but good buy at $38. A CVCV if you don’t know the alphabet and think “Y” is a vowel I immediately think of Hood To Coast.  A race I’m running next week but I’m pretty sure there are other things that use this acronym

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Domain Spotlight: