Domain Spotlight:

Wednesday’s Daily Domain Drop and Auction Picks

During my daily scanning of articles I came across this excellent video from last week on the effects of the newest Panda update. It has a lot of good questions for SEO specialist and site owners to ponder but I think there is one conclusion. Google wants you to not only provide good content, it now wants you to engage your user. They will give you “extra credit” if your users share your info, spread the word about its greatness. On the flip side, if they are pissed that you have no content and ad filled site they are going to ding you. Life is getting harder for the people that have no desire to work hard. Now onto the names One of the better 3 character dot coms in a while. 1998 CVCV and one of the better ones Sedo has had in the last month So much you could do with this name. Surprisingly, no bidders I’m not sure where this market would be but that doesn’t matter as long as you can resell it. I think this is worth $69. Nobody agrees with me to this point

Domain Spotlight:

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