Domain Spotlight:

Wednesday’s Daily Domain Drops and Auctions

Another good day today.  Finally got paid for some of my auctions.  I’ve already said this 100 times but it’s amazing how slow some of the auction houses pay in this industry.  I still haven’t been paid for one of my domains from the one of the big conferences in June.  I find it ridiculous. It’s a small amount of money and I realize they have to make sure all their ducks are in a row but JUNE?  It’s a little unprofessional but cash flow is an important part of my business butI don’t use other people’s money to keep up my cash flow.  I pay all my bills in 30 days and I don’t think it’s a stretch for this industry to do that as well.   Maybe I’m just a newbie in this industry but business is business and I know how the rest of the world’s businesses work.  Enough ranting, on to the names A pr5 and 3600+ links of this misspelled name.  I think if you said Encyclopedias with an “I” half the people would have no idea what you were talking about I took my daughter to her first Illini basketball game 5 years ago and my daughter asked why the girls play in the smaller gym than the boys team. I told her that they couldn’t build a kitchen large enough in the big arena for the girls to play in.  That was the first time my daughter ever gave me that “look” that meant I was being an ass.  Of course it was a joke and I may start a new foundation using this domain to show her I was kidding I’m not even really sure what these are and I’m too old to find out,  but people are looking for them so they must exist Not as good as but still pretty good for under $100

Sorry, that’s it for today.  Not many names but not every day can be chock full of names 🙂

Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “Wednesday’s Daily Domain Drops and Auctions”

  1. If an auction house owed me from June I’d have to out them on the blogs.

    Latona’s ? He’s the one I keep hearing pays late.

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