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Wednesday’s Daily Dropping Domains and Auctions

Should be a great day at DomainFest today. Hope everyone has a great time. I had to be in Chicago today, otherwise I was going to try and head out. It seems like there is always something going on. I don’t travel much at all for my job yet I flew 10 times last year. Not much for many people but for me that’s a lot. Very interested in watching the auction but won’t be able to. Hopefully someone will liver twitter it My kind of name but I am not into bonsai anymore. Ironically the person that will win the auction will know absolutely nothing about bonsai and they will have trouble selling it. A true bonsai person would never name it this. It would be something much more eclectic A tax term and certainly worth $100 I know, not generic but I do like the branding possibilities here DMOZ listed, Google Dir Listed. Previous school aid site Almost 50,000 searches and $1.70 CPC. That’s good and they’re the only way we know how to value domains anymore so it must be good Everyone want to play Bingo. The only thing better than that is playing it online. And even better………..FREE . This is name is priceless or about $300-500 depending how you look at it I like it because it’s from 1995

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