Domain Spotlight:

Wednesday’s Hot Auction Picks and Droppers

Like all days before trips, I’m trying to get all my ducks in a row before I go. A busy busy schedule and I’m actually writing this post on an IPad in the car (I’m not driving) heading to Louisville for the evening and then have to be in Chicago for a quick meeting tomorrow night. I need a jet. Now onto the names I really think this GPS thing is going to catch on 1998 register. Because the
only thing better than moments are eMoments. I’ll throw that tagline in for free This is gold to you 3d suckers…..I mean investors I love these types of names. Easy
to remember and the word goat in it. People pay for animal domains I’ve been looking for a good name for my flyswatter site. Done These always seem to resell well. This is at
$500 but $750 is what I think it would sell for. A whole site devoted yo the ugliest car of all time

Sorry for the short list but have you ever tried to do a link list on the iPad?
If you want more names go to

Domain Spotlight: