Some people follow trends. Others just squat on people’s names. There is no more squatted on TV event than American Idol. For some reason, some people think they will be able to capitalize on the fame found by these young contestants. 10 to 20 of them most likely will become a house hold name over the next year. One or two of them will become International stars. Many of the contestants still have not registered their name. American Buzz is one of the few sites that already has the name of all the contestants that have been chosen for the finals. I highly recommend you don’t squat on the names but taking a look at some of the contestants is kind of fun. I’m always trying to predict who will win after the first round. So far 0 for 9. I hope Gabriella Holsworth does well because she’s so darn cure. Here’s a full list of the contestants for American Idol 2010
- Anna Benhart American Idol
- Anthony Johnson American Idol
- Ashlyn Brady American Idol
- Athena Ford American Idol
- Brad Iturriaga American Idol
- Brandon Youngblood Kee American Idol
- Britney Martinez American Idol
- Brittany Stone American Idol
- Carlie Mayo American Idol
- Caroline Brooks American Idol
- Christian Etter-Johnson American Idol
- Christy Castillo American Idol
- Corey Amal American Idol
- Daniel Murillo American Idol
- Ed Wiles American Idol
- Eliza Siep (Cuts) American Idol
- Francis Reed American Idol
- Gabriella Holsworth American Idol
- Holly Hardin American Idol
- Jacob McKay American Idol
- Jamar Rogers American Idol
- Jason Diaz American Idol
- Jillian Jensen American Idol
- Joshua Anderson American Idol
- Kat Nestel American Idol
- Katie Ryan American Idol
- Kayla Score American Idol
- Krissa Quill American Idol
- Kyle Sherman American Idol
- Lee DeWyze American Idol
- Margaret (Margo) May American Idol
- Mark LaBriola American Idol
- Marquis McCaw American Idol
- Megan Waltman American Idol
- Melissa Bitanga American Idol
- Michael Castro American Idol
- Nicky Schwenke American Idol
- Nicole Mauricio American Idol
- Nikki Diaz American Idol
- Nora Patterson American Idol
- Privacy Policy
- Rachel Potter American Idol
- Rebecca Bainbridge American Idol
- Ronny B. (Ron or Ronald Belala) American Idol
- Rose Flack American Idol
- Samantha Leigh American Idol
- Sarah Blanchard American Idol
- Seth Rollins American Idol
- Stephanie Lariviere American Idol
- Tara Kish American Idol
- Tasha Layton American Idol
- Theresa Arno American Idol
- Tony Winfrey American Idol
I read a couple of years ago the producers started registering the .com’s of the 20 finalist which I guess are already known to them before the auditions start airing, and if that is correct, the only names that are going to be available are the losers.
Of course sometimes the losers become bigger short term stars than the winners