Domain Spotlight:

A Few Nice Domains Dropping This Weekend

Kind of in a rush as I head out the door to go skiing for the weekend.  Would be at Domain Mardi Gras but family always comes first before work.


There are a lot more names to find out there if you need a tool to help, go to, who supplies me with the tools to find the names

. (.net available as well) Great play on burberry. Maybe a typo but most likely a nice brand.  Under $50 at press time The price is going to get ugly but it’s a hell of a name.  One of the better CVCVs to drop. Great keyword and no bidders.  Yours for $60 Great name.  Obvious use for the name. A nice sounding name.  An easy misspell and I don’t like that but I like it if it goes cheap enough HUGE market for these puppies and estibot has this price all wrong.  22K searches.   I’m the one bid on this.  Take it if you want it

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