Domain Spotlight:

A Few Nice Domains Dropping Today ($7.68 CPC)

Had another nice sale yesterday for a nice profit.  I may not do this full time but $500 profit at a time adds up.  You may dream of quick riches in domaining but most likely you’ll have to join me and make it in $100 increments instead of thousands.  Now on to the names This could be a huge site because most people I know don’t have this A great name that won’t go cheap.  Could also be branded as a company so anything under 10K is a good buy here You can easily flip this one for $100 or more.  $10 bid so far Not very many typeins but 6600 typeins and an easy build out

Go to if you want to find more As long as people don’t read this as Online The Rapist dot net you should do fine.  1200 Searches and a $7.68 CPC with no bids A VALID Pr6 Domain and a sale under $500 is a good buy.   Great value if you know what to do with it

Domain Spotlight:

2 Replies to “A Few Nice Domains Dropping Today ($7.68 CPC)”

  1. Hey shane, been following some of your drops. But I noticed that many names just like are not expired. Can private domain holders use namejet to auction their names?

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