Domain Spotlight:

A Few Nice Names Dropping Today

Had two nice emails yesterday letting me know of some of the domains they had picked up from my daily lists.  Nice to hear people actually read this daily.  I hope the next emails will be telling me they sold the names for a nice profit or had monetized them for some daily income. Now on to the names. 6600 searches and a $1600 valuate but more importantly, they are coming back in fashion I’m not sure the name is worth anything but I really like the concept 22,000 searches and there are a lot of weightlifters and wanna be weightlifters that are looking for this one I like this name despite the a.  People will certainly remember it as well Again, not sure of value here but if someone types this in I’m just going to assume they did it I don’t have to explain how nice this one is.  Not the best business email address but a very nice name Certainly worth the $70 pickup

There are a ton of more great names today and remember……….It’s easy to find names using

Domain Spotlight:

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